MATLAB: Failed to complile MEX-Functions Containing CUDA Code

gpumex compilerParallel Computing Toolboxubuntu 14.04

I am trying to compile the MATLAB provided example file following:
The "Set Up for MEX-File Compilation part" was fine. I copied the mex_CUDA_glnxa64.xml file to the current folder and run setenv command.
Then I start to compile by executing
mex -largeArrayDims
After it run for a few seconds it got the error message:
Building with 'nvcc'.
Error using mex
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc_nonshared.a(atexit.oS): In function
`atexit': (.text+0x12): undefined reference to `__cxa_atexit'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
My Machine is Ubuntu 14.04 with gcc 4.8.2 and g++ 4.8.2 The output of gpuDevice is attach in the file.
In order to compatible with mex compile requirement(matlab only support gcc-4.7.x), I set the system default compiler as gcc 4.7 and g++ 4.7 use the method described below:
How to change the default GCC compiler in Ubuntu?
and my output of gpuDevice is: CUDADevice with properties:
Name: 'GeForce GTX 650'
Index: 1
ComputeCapability: '3.0'
SupportsDouble: 1
DriverVersion: 6.5000
ToolkitVersion: 6
MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024
MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152
MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64]
MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535]
SIMDWidth: 32
TotalMemory: 1.0734e+09
AvailableMemory: 490971136
MultiprocessorCount: 2
ClockRateKHz: 1110500
ComputeMode: 'Default'
GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1
KernelExecutionTimeout: 1
CanMapHostMemory: 1
DeviceSupported: 1
DeviceSelected: 1
When I searching for the solutions I only found 2 posts waiting for answer desperately. Lots of thanks to any one who can give a hand. >"<

Best Answer

The problem appears to be that you're using a more recent version of the CUDA Toolkit than is supported by MATLAB. You are using version 6.5, whereas R2014b only supports version 6.0. You are therefore using an incompatible version of nvcc.
Make sure you've got CUDA 6.0 installed, then set MW_NVCC_PATH to point to it:
>> setenv MW_NVCC_PATH /usr/local/cuda-6.0/bin
Then try again.
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