MATLAB: Ezplot non-integer axis limits

ezplotinteger axis limits

Ezplot does not seem to let me use non integer axis limits.
I am trying to plot F which is a function of symbolic variable t ezplot(F,tmin:tmax) this seems to work only when tmin and tmax are integers so works for a range -1:1 but when I try -1:0.5 I get an error. Although -1:1 range shows values for 0.5.
Any ideas why this may be happening

Best Answer

Here's what's happening. MATLAB is interpretting your expressions as necessary, when you say the limits are -1:0.5, it runs this:
ans =
-1 0
And because the default stride is 1, it returns -1 and 0. These are then interpretted as your limits. I think you probably meant
ezplot(F,[-1 0.5]) or similar
Here's an example:
syms t
F = sin(t)*cos(t);
ezplot(F,2*[-pi pi])