MATLAB: Extrapolate a specific group of numbers and letters from a “char” variable.


Hello everyone, I would like to extrapolate a specific group of numbers and letters from a "char" variable. Maybe this problem has already been solved but I couldn't find an answer anywhere.
My original char variable is:
20upg13 D112-A104 FH08547 P800 L0600@10000 a.csv
and I want to extrapolate "P800" and "L0600". By using the "strtok" command, I get what I want but if the variable is like this:
20upg13 P19 D112-A104 L02 FH08547 P800 L0600@10000 a.csv
my method doesn't work anymore.
I would like to know how do I tell Matlab to extrapolate the letter P followed by exactly three numbers (which can vary) and do the same for the letter L.
I attach the code I've used below. Thank you very much.
% code
P = '\w*P\w*';
L = '\w*L\w*';
for i=1:nfiles
a = strrep(filelist(i).name,'_',' ');
aa = strsplit(a);
[token_P remain_P] = strtok(a, P);
pp = strtok(remain_P);
pp = strrep(pp,'P','');
[token_L remain_L] = strtok(a, L);
ll = strrep(remain_L,'@',' ');
ll = strtok(ll);
ll = strrep(ll,'L0','');
Outnames = aa;
Pres = pp;
Lift = ll;

Best Answer

>> fmt = '.*(P\d{3}).*(L\d{4}).*';
>> regexp('20upg13 D112-A104 FH08547 P800 L0600@10000 a.csv',fmt,'tokens','once')
ans =
'P800' 'L0600'
>> regexp('20upg13 P19 D112-A104 L02 FH08547 P800 L0600@10000 a.csv',fmt,'tokens','once')
ans =
'P800' 'L0600'