MATLAB: Extraction oval-like part from segmented image

digital image processingfeature extractionimage analysis

How to extract oval-like part in a vessel segmented image?
I want to extract the oval-like part in the middle of a segmented vessel image
I want to:
– compute the Distance Transform from black.
– Apply a Local Max to the Distance Transform.
– For each of those candidates, create a histogram of gradient angles. Try a 15×15 local
neighborhood, and a bin-size of 30 degrees (12 bins). Compute the standard deviation of the
histogram. the candidate with the lowest standard deviation would be the center of an aneurysm.
I have been stuck for long time,Could you please answer me or redirect my question to someone who can help.
Thank you in Advance
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Best Answer

Please define, outline, or somehow indicate the "oval-like part" that you'd like to extract or segment out.