MATLAB: Extracting sections of data from a Matrix with Indexing

extract data from matrix using indexing

I have a 84761 x 8 matrix (see attached file as an example of data from the matrix).
I would like to extract all of the rows of data where the month (3rd column) = 11, 12, 1, 2 and 3.
I have set the 'months' to look for in an array called WinterMonths.
I am trying to loop through the matrix (EditedWindTempMatrix) and write all of the data where the month = a 'winter' month to a new matrix.
The 'for loop' loops through the 5 'winter' months.
My problem lies in coding the if loop. i.e. extract the data and write it to a new matrix if the condition is true.
How do I index the new matrix (called WinterWTMatrix) to write the data from the matrix with all the data (EditedWindTempMatrix) to the new matrix only when the condition specified is true?
WinterMonths = [11 12 1 2 3]; % 1 x 5 array
for k = 1:length(WinterMonths);
if EditedWindTempMatrix(:,3)==MonthIdx;
I know that I am not correctly extracting the data from the EditedWindTempMatrix and not correctly writing it to the WinterWTMatrix but I am not sure how to do this.
(I can do it column by column but wanted a more efficient way to extract the desired data).

Best Answer

Use ismember:
% Create sample data:
%EditedWindTempMatrix = randi(12, 10,3)
% Define which months are winter.
WinterMonths = [11 12 1 2 3]; % 1 x 5 array
% Find out which rows are winter.
rowsToExtract = ismember(EditedWindTempMatrix(:, 3), WinterMonths)
% Get those rows from the original matrix
WinterData = EditedWindTempMatrix(rowsToExtract,:)