MATLAB: Extracting first 8 bit from fixed point number

bitextractingfixed-pointFixed-Point Designer

Hi there,
I am currently having trouble with the above mentioned task. Basically, this is what I want to do:
x = fi(1300,true,11,0) (9bit signed integer)
x.bin = 10100010100
c = fi(0,true,8,0)
c = x.bin(1:8)
c.bin = 10100010
c = 162
In other words: I would like to extract the first 8 bit of x to another variable, which than will have the according value. Does the fixed point toolbox has any function that makes this possible. Everything I tried so far ended up in a requantization of the value, which I don't want.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Thank you very much!