MATLAB: Extracting every n number of column from matrix matlab

for loopmatrixmatrix manipulation

0 down vote favorite I need to extract every n number of column from my matrix. Please note that not every nth column. For example I have a matrix:
A =
1 23 34 53 67 45 67 45
12 34 45 56 67 87 98 12
1 2 3 45 56 76 87 56
And I want to extract each 3 column, so my data should be like:
X =
1 23 34 67 45 67
12 34 45 67 87 98
1 2 3 56 76 87
So I would skip 4th column then 8th column and so on. I know how to extract every nth column and row but I couldn't figure it out what I need. Appreciated for your help

Best Answer

Here is a general solution to your problem in which you can specify how many columns to keep and how many to delete
colToKeep = 2;
colToDelete = 3;
ColIndex = mod( 0:size(A,2)-1, colToKeep+colToDelete ) < colToKeep;
A(:, ~ColIndex) = [];
Use colToKeep and colToDelete to specify the values.