MATLAB: Extracting Data Points From Ezplot


I am plotting the following implicit function using the following code:
ezplot('(y^2)/2 + (((x^2)*y)^(1-1.2))/(1.2-1) - 2/x - 1/(1.2-1) +3/2',[0 6 0 4])
Which produces the following double-valued graphical solution:
However, I am only interested in the line that begins ~0 and increases with x. What I want to do is extract the x and corresponding y values for this line, and, despite a number of attempts, have failed in doing so thus far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The following might have changed as of R2014b.
In R2014a or earlier (and maybe later),
ezh = ezplot('(y^2)/2 + (((x^2)*y)^(1-1.2))/(1.2-1) - 2/x - 1/(1.2-1) +3/2',[0 6 0 4]);
ezch = get(ezh,'Children');
xd1 = get(ezch(1),'XData');
xd2 = get(ezch(2),'XData');
yd1 = get(ezch(1),'YData');
yd2 = get(ezch(2),'YData');
first_part_mask = xd2 <= 1.0;
first_x = xd2(first_part_mask);
first_y = yd2(first_part_mask);
second_part_mask = xd1 > 1.0;
second_x = xd1(second_part_mask);
second_y = yd1(second_part_mask);
both_x = [first_x(:); second_x(:)];
both_y = [first_y(:); second_y(:)];
Now the line you want is both_x together with both_y