MATLAB: Extracting data from .mat file

.mat file extraction

Hi everyone, I have received a *.mat file from my supervisor that contains 4 tables. every table is constructed on hourly based data from a power generator, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. so it (24*365)= 8760×1 table. that the properties of the table ''Time vector characteristics
Length 8760
Start date 01-Jan-2006 01:00:00
End date 01-Jan-2007 00:00:00
I need to extract data from the table in such form that I re-arrange it into 365×24 matrix so that every row show data for 1 day with 24 hours.

Best Answer

Sorry i dont understand well your question
to extract the data you can try to use getEntry, documentation are reported in the link below :
Moreover if i understand well your aim reshape(xxx,365,24) dont give you what you want.
B = reshape(xxx,24,365);