MATLAB: Extracting Data from Cells

cellscells2arraycolumn vectorerrorextract

Dear Matlab users,
I am facing some trouble extracting data from a cell. I attached the a screenshots showing what my cell looks like (cells within a cell). Each cell in the "big" cell has xyz data and i would like to extract each column representing the respective coordinates as column vectors.
My explanation might have been confusing so i will try summarize: Extract the "minor" cells from the main cell, extract the xyz from each minor cell as column vectors.
Thank you for the help

Best Answer

vv=cellfun(@(x) x(:,1:3),cross_sections,'un',0); % assuming the first three columns in each cell represents x,y & z
v=cat(1,vv{:}); % gathering x,y, & z of each cell into one matrix
% x -^ ^- y ^- z