MATLAB: Extracting a result of a looped finction from the workspace


I ran a lagged regression 60 times and I got the coefficients printed in the command window (picture is attached). I'm stuck trying to extract one same cell from every table (row 2, column 3) into one array.
This is the function used to obtain tables: tmp = table2array(mdl.Coefficients)
Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You're replacing the value of tmp during every iteration. Pre-allocate tmp with a proper size and store every iteration at its respective index.
For example, before you start the loop declare tmp
tmp = zeros(h,1);
and then inside the loop replace your last line with,
tmp(c,1) = mdl.Coefficients(2,3);
P.S: attaching screenshots don't help much. Just copy paste your code here and format it using {} Code button.