MATLAB: Extract x,y data from plot

3d plotaxes handlescontourslicedataplotslice

Hello everyone,
I have a plane passing through a cylinder, is it possible to obtain the x and y data of the cylinder on the plane or obtain the slice or cross-section (with the use of slice or contourslice)? can the x,y data be extracted by using axes handles(children)?
Any pointers/suggestions will be really helpful. Thank you

Best Answer

How many points define the cylinder? do you actually have points in the plane or is it just filled in visually by matlab? Is the cylinder defined by the rectangles corners? using the steps from here you can extract the XYZ data from the figure you can figure out where the plane intersects the cylinder and determine the points on the plane. here the points would be the same XY of the top and bottom of the cylinder with the Z coordinate at what looks to be 0.6.
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