MATLAB: Extract vector parts around index under boolean conditions

booleanvectorvector extraction

Hello everybody,
I am trying to extract parts of a signal that meet a certain condition (boolean true) and save them into individual vectors.
Lets say i have a testvector:
testvector = [0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1];
Iterating through the signal, if the index is true, I want to check if:
  • i-3 positions are 0 (condition1)
  • i+5 positions are 1 (condition2)
If both conditions are true, I would like to extract this part of the signal, like mentioned earlier.
Concerning my testvector, due to my conditions there is supposed to be exactly one part to be extracted:
Until now, I've tried the following without success:
for i=4:numel(testvector)
if testvector(i)==1
buff1 = i-3;
buff2 = i+5;
for k=buff1:1:(i-1)
values = [values, testvector(k)];
if any(values)
values(end) = [];
elseif length(values)>3
for k=i:1:buff2
values = [values, testvektor(k)];
if any(values)
elseif buff2 > numel(testvektor)
elseif (length(values)>10)
new = [new, testvektor(i)]
So far, I have no idea how to automatically construct a new vector each time the conditions are met and a part of the signal is extracted.
Thank you in advance, every help is highly appreciated!

Best Answer

One way:
testvector = repmat([0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1], 1, 3); %replicate your demo vector so that there is more than one segment to extract
before = movsum(testvector(1:end-5), [3 0], 'Endpoints', 'discard'); %sum of 3 elements before + current element. Will be 1 if a 1 is preceded by three 0s
after = movsum(testvector(4:end), [0 5], 'Endpoints', 'discard'); %sum of 5 elements after + current element. Will be 6 if a 1 is followed by five 1s
indices = find(before == 1 & after == 6 & testvector(4:end-5) == 1); %construct a row vector of indices where the condition is true
segments = testvector(indices + (0:9)') %extract all segments as column vectors