MATLAB: Extract the index and find the value in other array that have the same extracted index

for looplooploops

I have many arrays but in my question I'll minimize it to be understood for you.
if I have
t1=[ 1.0000 1.1000 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5000]
the corresponsing x for t1 is
x1=[ 0.1690 0.6491 0.7317 0.6477 0.4509 0.5470]
I have other iteration with different length than t1,x1 as showing below:
1.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0300 1.0400 1.0500 1.0600
1.0700 1.0800 1.0900 1.1000 1.1100 1.1200 1.1300
1.1400 1.1500 1.1600 1.1700 1.1800 1.1900 1.2000
1.2100 1.2200 1.2300 1.2400 1.2500 1.2600 1.2700
1.2800 1.2900 1.3000 1.3100 1.3200 1.3300 1.3400
1.3500 1.3600 1.3700 1.3800 1.3900 1.4000 1.4100
1.4200 1.4300 1.4400 1.4500 1.4600 1.4700 1.4800
1.4900 1.5000
the corresonsing x2 for t2 is
0.4427 0.1067 0.9619 0.0046 0.7749 0.8173 0.8687 0.0844 0.3998 0.2599
0.8001 0.4314 0.9106 0.1818 0.2638 0.1455 0.1361 0.8693 0.5797 0.5499
0.1450 0.8530 0.6221 0.3510 0.5132 0.4018 0.0760 0.2399 0.1233 0.1839
0.2400 0.4173 0.0497 0.9027 0.9448 0.4909 0.4893 0.3377 0.9001 0.3692
0.1112 0.7803 0.3897 0.2417 0.4039 0.0965 0.1320 0.9421 0.9561 0.5752
I need for loop that can extarct the index for t2 that has same value in t1, then after finding the index for same value in t2 with t1 , find the coressponding x2 for each t2 that have same value in t1.
the output will be new x which is extracted from x2 and have same length of x1

Best Answer

You shouldn't actually need a for loop to do this, just some logic indexing.
goal = x2(ismember(t2,t1));