MATLAB: Extract the column/ row numbers or adress

extraction of column adress

I have 1 x 10000 matrix which got values of 0, 1 in it. Here, I would like to get the information on column numbers which got the value 1. Attached, here is th matrix. Please help me with this…

Best Answer

> I would like to get the information on column numbers which got the value 1
For logical row vectors or numeric row vectors containing 1|0,
colNum = find(c);
If the row vector contains values other than 0|1 and you want to find the 1s, follow Omid Saeidi's advice,
colNum = find(c==1);
If you're planning on indexing, follow dpb's advice and use logical indexing
logidx = logical(c); % if c is numeric
% or
logidx = c==1; % if c contains values outside of 0|1