MATLAB: Extract subarray from array

zeros usage

I find a code which is used to extract subarray from array.but when I run it in MATLAB R2011,the command window shows:"Error using zeros,leading inputs must be numeric".I don't know the reason.the code are as following:
function B = subarray(A, i1, i2, j1, j2, pad)
% B = subarray(A, i1, i2, j1, j2, pad)
% Extract subarray from array
% pad with boundary values if pad = 1
% pad with zeros if pad = 0
dim = size(A);
B = zeros(i2-i1+1, j2-j1+1, dim(3), 'like', A);
if pad
B((i1:i2)-i1+1, (j1:j2)-j1+1, :) = A(min(max(i1:i2, 1), dim(1)), min(max(j1:j2,1), dim(2)), :);
ai1 = max(i1, 1);
ai2 = min(i2, dim(1));
aj1 = max(j1, 1);
aj2 = min(j2, dim(2));
B((ai1:ai2)-i1+1, (aj1:aj2)-j1+1, :) = A(ai1:ai2, aj1:aj2, :);

Best Answer

R2013a was the first release that supported the 'like' Keyword. Change your parameter from
'like', A
Notice that is a single parameter that is not quoted