MATLAB: Extract output data from meshgrid input

interpolationMATLABmatrix manipulationmesh

I have some data which I have interpolated as follows:
Data = load("data.txt")
x = Data(:,1);
y = Data(:,2);
z = Data(:,3);z=-z;
c = Data(:,4);
F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,z,c);
N = 50;
xvec = linspace(min(x), max(x), N);
yvec = linspace(min(y), max(y), N);
zvec = linspace(min(z), max(z), N);
[xq, yq, zq] = meshgrid(xvec, yvec, zvec);
vq = F(xq, yq, zq);
What I want to do is to extract the value of vq for a given xq,yq,zq.
Like vq(xq==21.7267 & yq==36.9072 & zq==-0.9551), which gives me an empty column vector.
If I do F(21.7267,36.9072,-0.9551) is this the correct vq?

Best Answer

Always more helpful for us if you share 1) your data and 2) the complete error message (all the red text).
This example on the scatteredInterpolant documentation page shows how to use the results of meshgrid to determine vq. Make sure you are using the 4th input correctly. MATLAB expects it to be the sample values, specified as a vector that defines the function values at the sample points, v = F(x,y,z).
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