MATLAB: Extract numbers from string in a cell


Hi, I have a cell containing a string such as 'TT21abc.def'. I want to extract just the numbers so I'm left with '21'. Does anyone know how? I tried using sscanf but I was getting errors and think I don't have the right format inputs. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

you can use regexprep or some ascii value representation comparison to do so, e.g.
a = {'TT21abc.def'};
%ascii value comparison, char(48) = '0' and char(57) = '9'
a{1}(a{1} <= 57 & a{1} >= 48)
%or use regexprep
If you have a cell array with strings, I would use regexprep because it can handle cell arrays of strings as input
b = {'TT21abc.def'
out = regexprep(b,'\D','')