MATLAB: Extract label colors from label2rgb

colormapextractImage Processing Toolboxlabel;label2rgbMATLABturbowatershed

I'm using label2rgb to label ~200-250 objects with watershed.
Here is my code:
labeledL = label2rgb(L,'turbo', [1 1 1], 'shuffle');
How can I extract the specific colors that were assigned to each object by the watershed? The aim is to get a 250×4 double that contains this information, with one column being the labels, and the three other columns containing the corresponding color values.
I would greatly appreciate your tips! Thanks!

Best Answer

I figured out one way:
colors = NaN(max(LL(:)),4);
for i = 1:max(LL(:)) % LL is my labelmatrix
[r,c] = find(LL==i,1)
colors(i,1) = i;
colors(i,2) = RGB(r,c,1) % RGB contains the colors generated by 'turbo' and 'shuffle'
colors(i,3) = RGB(r,c,2)
colors(i,4) = RGB(r,c,3)