MATLAB: Extract each ten values

cell arraysextract

I have a 60×23 cell and each cell consist of columns with different length.
I need to extract ten values starting from last ten values, then shift by one value and repeat.
In other words, after extacting the last ten values (end-9: end), i need to omit the last value. then extract the ten values before that. so on.
What would be the best way to achieve that? Thank you for the insights.

Best Answer

Try a loop to get the contents of the cells in your cell array, then extract 10 elements and move back towards the beginning of your vector one element at a time.
[rows, columns] = size(ca); % ca is your cell array with variable sized matrices in the cells.
for col = 1 : columns
for row = 1 : rows
% Get the array inside this cell from the cell array.
thisVector = ca{row, col};
% Get the size of this vector
vecCols = length(thisVector);
% Get last 10 values and move one element at a time towards the beginning of the vector.
len = length(vecCols);
for k = len - 9 : -1 : 1
last10 = vecCols(k : k+9);
% Now do something with last10.....
% I don't know what that would be - you haven't told us.