MATLAB: Extract data with unique ID

accumarrayextract datauniqueid

I have already read a lot regarding accumarray and examples but still struggling with this one.
I have data of 1500*19 columns where in the column e.g. 14 are data that I want to use as a unique ID in order to extract all other columns as a separate arrays with the same unique ID.
my example where unique id is in column 1:
subs = [1 1 5 6 ;2 1 4 5;3 1 4 5;1 1 2 5;2 1 5 8;4 1 4 8;2 1 7 8;4 1 5 4;2 1 2 2;1 2 5 5] % data
subs_unique=unique(subs(:,1)) % identifying the unique id in column 1 but it can also be column 14
A = accumarray(subs,subs_unique,[],@(x) {x}) % gives an error
desired result:
A{1}= [1 1 5 6;1 1 2 5;1 2 5 5]
A{2}=[2 1 4 5,2 1 5 8;2 1 7 8;2 1 2 2] and so on
Thansk a lot,

Best Answer

As Walter also suggested:
[~,~,locGroups] = unique(subs(:,1));
% also look at [~,~,locGroups] = unique(subs(:,1),'stable');
A = splitapply(@(v) {v}, subs, locGroups);