MATLAB: Extract data from a matrix for each polygon in a shape file

image analysismappingMapping ToolboxMATLABmatrixshapefile

I have a matrix (331X301) at 0.1 degree resolution data encompassing entire India and a shapefile with 2299 attributes(polygons). I generally extarct data for each attribute from the matrix raster in ArcGIS. Is there a way to extract the mean data(mean of all the 0.1 degree grids that fall in that attribute) for all the polygons of the shpfile in Matlab?
Note: the data is 3 dimension-331x301x12.
Below is the code written to overlay the shapefile on the data.
However, the shapefile S has 2299 attributes, I could not extract value of z2 for each of these 2299 attributes
Reading the shapefile
%selecting the first month from the data of 321x321x12
z2= data(:,:,1)
%makking dummy coordinates for the data
x = linspace(67, 97, 301);
y = linspace(5, 38, 331);
[x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
%Clipping the data to the coastlines
isin = inpolygon(x,y,S.X,S.Y);
z2(~isin) = NaN;
mx=geoshow('landareas.shp', 'FaceColor', 'White');
%display the data
hold on
%display the shapefile
lon1 = [S1.X]';
lat1 = [S1.Y]';
plot(lon1,lat1,'Linewidth',2,'color',[0 0 0]);

Best Answer

Read about inpolygon.