MATLAB: Exporting to excel from matlab


Hi, i have a few results from my code which i want to export to excel….
bs_co = final_m_co / work_hp_hr
bs_co2 = final_m_co2 / work_hp_hr
bs_thc = final_m_thc / work_hp_hr
bs_no = final_m_no / work_hp_hr
bs_no2 = final_m_no2 / work_hp_hr
bs_nox = final_m_nox / work_hp_hr
bs_nmhc = final_m_nmhc / work_hp_hr
bs_ch4 = final_m_ch4 / work_hp_hr
I have a few equations like those……I want the results from the equations to be exported to excel and if possible with names like "bs_co = ".

Best Answer

Put the values in a cell array that has the header strings in its first row, and then use xlswrite()