MATLAB: Exporting Lines from One Text File to Another

text filetext;textscan

I have the following code written to copy certain lines from one text file:
contents = fileread('observedsn.txt');
[starts, stops] = regexp(contents, ...
'^([^|]*\|){24}(Ib|Ib/c|Ic|II|IIP|IIn|IIPec)\|.*$', ...
'start', 'end', 'lineanchors', 'dotexceptnewline');
How would I proceed to export these text lines to a new text file?
I have attached my text file.

Best Answer

NL = char(10);
fid = fopen('Output.txt', 'W'); % Uppercase 'W' for buffering!
if fid == -1, error('Cannot open file for writing.'); end
for k = 1:length(starts)
fwrite(fid, contents(starts(k):stops(k)), 'uchar');
fwrite(fid, NL, 'uchar');