MATLAB: Exporting a custom library in Simulink

MATLABsimulinksimulink custom block library

Hi all, I am using Matlab Simulink 2011b. A previous user has created a block library, and I need to move it to the new computer we brought into the lab. The thing is, I don't know where it is located on the PC or how to export it to the other computer. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Hi Tim,
I take it that you're able to open up the previous user's library, right?
If you don't have the exact filename of the library, do this first: If you can access the library from the Simulink Library Browser, you can right-click the library's name on the navigation tree on the left and use the menu to open the library model file (.mdl in R2011b) in a separate window.
Suppose that, after you do that, the name of the library is "previous_users_lib.mdl". The, you can go into the MATLAB Command Window and type in:
which -all previous_users_lib
The output of this command should tell you the path of the file you're looking up.