MATLAB: Export states to workspace in simulink configuration parameters

simulinkstate export

when I choose to export the states to workspace in my Simulink Blockdiagram a variable is built in the workspace with the name "sout" this variable is a double variable which has a lot of columns. How can I realize that which column does relate to the desired state? My MATLAB engine is R2012b.

Best Answer

On that page you'll see some parameters you can set programatically to find more information when you save the state:
set_param(mdl, 'SaveFinalState', 'on', 'FinalStateName',...
[mdl 'SimState'],'SaveCompleteFinalSimState', 'on');
This will save the state as mdlNameSimState and you can find the names of the states using:
The states in the form you are saving them as are useful for easy access since it is simply vector in the proper order for the model to be easily manipulated or stored.