MATLAB: Export GUI structures to Matlab workspace

gui output stucture

I have created a GUI that processes video information. I want to export the processed data to the MATLAB workspace but I cannot get the Outputfnc to send out the structures. Ideally I would like to have a button to press to send specific data in the GUI structures to the MATLAB workspace. That way I can analyze the data outside of the GUI. Is there a straight forward way to do this?

Best Answer

Whatever process you do in GUI programming is likely happened in the callback function. The processed data is in the function workspace of that function. To make that data available in MATLAB base workspace, you can choose any one of the following:
  1. save the data into a .mat file then you can load in base workspace
  2. use assignin('base',...) function, see help assignin
  3. declare the output variable as global, see help global
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