MATLAB: Export Fourier series coefficient into workspace variables

cftoolcurve fittingCurve Fitting Toolboxfourier seriestext editing

Hi guys, i need to export the results from a Fourier series a0,a1,b1 into variables of the workspace, in order to further elaborate them. If i use the CFTOOL manually there is no problem, since i can save this data output easily. The problem comes when i try to do it in textcode from the editor, since i have to postprocess a huge amount of data files and was trying to generate a code to do this process automatically. For the Fourier series i am using the following code:
[fitobject]=fit(var1,var2,'fourier1') [fitresult,gof]=fitobject(a0,a1,b1)
with a0,a1,b1 as global var. Thx to those willing to help a disperate newby 😀

Best Answer

a0 = fitobject.a0;
a1 = fitobject.a1;
b1 = fitobject.b1;
w = fitobject.w;
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