MATLAB: Export figure to Microsoft Outlook

graphics exportmicrosoftoutlook

Seeking a good way to email plots to my coworkers via Outlook. The following are not satisfactory: 1) From Matlab figure window, choose Edit > Copy Figure then paste within Outlook. Quality is poor. 2) Quality is better with Matlab's print utility (png, tif) but figure aspect ratio is not preserved. 3) Aspect ratio is preserved with the program but inserting the figure into Outlook is cumbersome (Insert > Picture then hunt for figure file).
The ideal solution would produce a high-quality figure with correct aspect ratio by (a) opening a new Outlook message with the figure embedded in the message body, or (b) better copying to the clipboard. Suggestions?
[Can't figure out how to insert a line break, sorry]

Best Answer

This code will copy a figure to the clipboard as an image:
imclipboard('copy', export_fig());
Both imclipboard and export_fig can be found on the file exchange.