MATLAB: Export Data via fprintf printing something else besides NaN


Hi, I have a simple export loop that is writing the contents of a matrix to a text file for another system to read. The issue is that the other system doesn't like NaN as part of a numeric array and I need to print a blank space instead. How can I go about doing this?
On occasion my MacroData matrix Contains NaN's. Is there a way for me to do a find replace while I'm in the file itself, or simple replace the NaN output with a blank?
f_format = '%s%f%f\r\n';
count = 1;
for i = 1:length(UniqueDates)
Thanks a lot, Brian

Best Answer

a simple solution would be to print first into a string, process the string and then dump to the file, something like
for i = 1:length(UniqueDates)
str = sprintf(f_format,datestr(UniqueDates(i,1),'mm/dd/yyyy'),MacroData(i,:));
str = strrep(str, 'NaN', ' ');
fprintf(f_temp, '%s', str);