MATLAB: Export Data to excel spreadsheet from Structure Array Dynamically (Without Knowing the field Names)

xml and structure

Hello, I am able to read data from xml file to a matlab structure array. I need to export data from structure array to excel in a table like structure.
the data i need from structure is like :
'code structure:
s = parseChildNodes(xDoc); % getting all data in a structure s
'data needed and field name{1,1}.author
Given I don't know any field names or structures like catalog,book,author
Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

There are many useful functions to know when working with structures in MATLAB. First is the function fieldnames which will return a cell array of all the names of all the fields in the structure e.g.
given a structure:
foo.bar_1 = 6;
foo.bar_2 = 'hello';
foo.bar_3 = [1,2,3];
the command:
names = fieldnames(foo);
will make the variable names =
{'bar_1'; 'bar_2'; 'bar_3'}
Once you have the field names in a cell array you can access the data in the structure in a loop e.g.
for( i = 1:length(names) )
% get the data
tempData = foo.(names{i});
% do something with the data
this uses the fact that you can access the fields of a structure using a string, or a variable containing a string, if you wrap it in parenthesis.
Actually sending this data to an excel sheet will depend greatly on the format of your data and how you want to store it in the spreadsheet. To do this you should use the function xlswrite.