MATLAB: Export data based on latitude and longitude from 3 dimension array

3darrayscodeconvertdatadoubleexportmatlab codernetcdftime

Dear all Matlab professionals
I have an array named precipitation with 3 dimension (longitude*latitude *time) which it's valued represents precipitation for all around the world at 10*10 degree for 1980 to 2016.
I have 2 question:
  1. how to convert third dimansion unit (time) from days since 1800 to common date unit like 2010-1-1?
  2. how to export data form it for a selected range of latitude and longitude and selected time like 1982-2015?
I attached some information below:
whos lon lat time precipitation
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
lat 1x18 144 double
lon 1x36 288 double
precipitation 36x18x1512 7838208 double
time 1512x1 12096 double
Thank you all in advance and I'm looking forward to your answers.
Best regards

Best Answer

Hi Bekzad,
here is the answer:
load time
TT =datetime(t, 'convertfrom', 'excel');
Now TT are dates.
Good luck.