MATLAB: Exponential decay in MATLAB

exponential decayMATLAB

i need to calculate exponential decay of a radioisotope and store the data in a mat file, here is what i got so far…
I need use user inputs to calculate exponential decay, display when (numYears) the atomsLeft gets below the Threshold(T), and store all the values calculated into a mat file.
N = input('Enter the number of radioactive atoms we start with (integer): ');
HL = input('The lenght of half-life(in years): ');
T = input('The target threshold number of atoms (integer): ');
numYears = 0;
%Calculate the number of years for the decay to reach the target threshold.
for x = 1:HL
atomsLeft = N.* 0.5.^(1:HL);
N = atomsLeft;
numYears = numYears + 1;
if T>N
disp(['It took ' num2str(numYears) ' years to get below the treshold']);
save('mydata.mat', 'numYears'); %saves d in the data file 'mydata.mat'
save('mydata.mat', 'atomsLeft', '-append'); %adds t to the data file
I DK if its right
Outputs are rthe number of years it takes to decay below the threshold (T) And the atomsleft after numyears
And save the data in a mat file

Best Answer

One thing to fix:
atomsLeft = N.* 0.5.^(x);
It appears to me that there are other problems with the code, but you will need to indicate what your desired output is for us to be sure.
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