MATLAB: Exponential Curve fit data a & b

curve fittingexponential

Hi, I'm trying to run a script automatically, and at some point I need to plot an exponential curve into a set of x and y data. I can do that in the 'Curve Fitting' APP and take the values of a and b from there. But I need to do it automatically like a process inside the script. I try this:
And it returns to me the results in the Command Window as:
General model Exp1:
f2(x) = a*exp(b*x)
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
a = 584.6 (532.8, 636.4)
b = 0.004903 (0.004306, 0.005499)
However, it just print this on the Command Window, but I dont know how to take the values of a and b directly from the new variable created, because the variable 'exp_curve' doesnt return to me directly the results, and the type of variable is different is 1×1 cfit.
I will appreciate some help, Thank you, Martha

Best Answer

should give you the values of the fitting parameters.
Best wishes
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