MATLAB: Explain me this code.

function W = lofdd(a, fracrej, k, distmat, sD)
%distmat and sD are optional parameters and are mainly used by lofrangedd
if (nargin < 5)
distmat = [];
sD = [];
if nargin < 3 || isempty(k), k = 3; end
if nargin < 2 || isempty(fracrej), fracrej = 0.05; end
if nargin < 1 || isempty(a) % empty lofdd
W = mapping(mfilename,{fracrej,k});
W = setname(W,sprintf('LOF k:%d', k));
if ~ismapping(fracrej) %training
% some checking of datatypes and sizes:
a = +target_class(a); % make sure we have a OneClass dataset
[m,d] = size(a);
if (m<2)
warning('dd_tools:InsufficientData','Dataset contains less than 2 objects');
if (k>=m)
error(['More neighbors than training samples are requested! (max=',num2str(m-1),')']);
if isa(k,'char')
error('Argument k should define the number of neighbors');
if (k<1)
warning('dd_tools:KNegativeK','K must be positive (>0)');
if(isempty(distmat) || isempty(sD))
% calculate the euclidian distance matrix
distmat = sqrt(sqeucldistm(a,a));
% sort the distances
[sD,I] = sort(distmat,2);
% compute the LOF values of the training samples:
% k-distance of each object (k+1 because the first object is
% the object itself, and is not considered to be part of the
% neighborhood
k_distance = sD(:,k+1);
% construct the neighborhood matrix

k_distance_neighborhood = zeros(m,m);
for p = 1:m
k_distance_neighborhood(p,:) = logical(distmat(p,:) <= k_distance(p));
k_distance_neighborhood(p,p) = 0;
k_distance_neighborhood_size = sum(k_distance_neighborhood,2);
% compute reachability distances
% please note that this distance is not symmetric
reachability_distance = zeros(m,m);
for p = 1:m
for o = 1:m
reachability_distance(p,o) = max(k_distance(o), distmat(p,o));
% compute local reachability density
local_reachability_density = zeros(m,1);
for p = 1:m
local_reachability_density(p) = 1 ./ (1e-10+(sum(reachability_distance(p,logical(k_distance_neighborhood(p,:))) / k_distance_neighborhood_size(p))));
% compute the local outlier factor
lof = zeros(m,1);
for p = 1:m
lof(p) = sum(local_reachability_density(logical(k_distance_neighborhood(p,:))) / local_reachability_density(p)) / k_distance_neighborhood_size(p);
fit = lof;
%now obtain the threshold:
thresh = dd_threshold(fit,1-fracrej);
%and save all useful data:
W.distmat = distmat;
W.sD = sD;
W.k_distance = k_distance;
W.local_reachability_density = local_reachability_density;
W.lof = lof;
W.x = +a;
W.k = k;
W.threshold = thresh;
W.scale = mean(fit);
W = mapping(mfilename,'trained',W,str2mat('target','outlier'),d,2);
W = setname(W,sprintf('LOF k:%d', k));
else %testing
W = getdata(fracrej); % unpack
%m is the number of test objects
[m,d] = size(a);
[n,d] = size(W.x);
% calculate the euclidean distance matrix
if(isempty(distmat) || isempty(sD))
distmat = sqrt(sqeucldistm(+a,W.x)); %dist between train and test
[sD,I] = sort(distmat,2);
new_train_distmat = zeros(n+1,n+1);
new_train_distmat(1:n,1:n) = W.distmat;
% compute the LOF values of the test samples:
% k-distance of each object
% no k+1 this time because the distance to the test object itself
% is not present in the distance matrix
k_distance = sD(:,W.k);
% construct the neighborhood matrix
k_distance_neighborhood = zeros(m,n);
for p = 1:m
k_distance_neighborhood(p,:) = logical(distmat(p,:) <= k_distance(p));
%compute the lof value for each object p:
% add object p to the distance matrix of the training objects
% p is the last object
lof = zeros(m,1);
for p = 1:m
new_train_distmat(n+1,1:n) = distmat(p,:);
new_train_distmat(1:n,n+1) = distmat(p,:)';
[new_train_sD, I] = sort(new_train_distmat, 2);
new_train_k_distance = new_train_sD(:,W.k+1);
%loop through the neighbors of p:
neighbors_of_p = [n+1, find(logical(k_distance_neighborhood(p,:)))];
lrd_of_nn_of_p = zeros(numel(neighbors_of_p), 1);
sum_lrd_fraction = 0;
nn_index = 0;
for nn = neighbors_of_p
nn_index = nn_index + 1;
%determine neighbors of nn (which is a neighbor p)
neighbors_of_neighbors_of_p = logical(new_train_distmat(nn,:) <= new_train_k_distance(nn));
neighbors_of_neighbors_of_p(nn) = 0;
sum_reach_dist = 0;
num_nn_nn = 0;
for nn_nn = find(neighbors_of_neighbors_of_p)
num_nn_nn = num_nn_nn + 1;
sum_reach_dist = sum_reach_dist + max(new_train_k_distance(nn_nn), new_train_distmat(nn, nn_nn));
lrd = 1 / ((sum_reach_dist + 1e-10) / num_nn_nn);
lrd_of_nn_of_p(nn_index) = lrd;
if(nn_index > 1),
sum_lrd_fraction = sum_lrd_fraction + (lrd / lrd_of_nn_of_p(1));
lof(p) = sum_lrd_fraction / (nn_index-1);
ind = lof;
% store the results in the final dataset:
out = [ind repmat(W.threshold,[m,1])];
% Store the distance as output:
W = setdat(a,-out,fracrej);
W = setfeatdom(W,{[-inf 0;-inf 0] [-inf 0; -inf 0]});

Best Answer

My response would be "NO!"
The algorithm is described in the paper
The code is commented.
If you do not understand the syntax of MATLAB then you can study it,
Explaining non-trivial code to someone is very time-consuming when we cannot assume that you have any programming experience at all. What are you asking?? Are you asking about argument processing in MATLAB functions so you can understand about nargin ? Are you asking about how MATLAB structures are internally implemented? Are you asking about the Worst Case Analysis for the running time?
If you want to fly in to my city and study with me for about 4 months, I might be able to explain the code to you starting from scratch. Maybe. Unless, that is, you already have some programming experience, in which case you should be asking SPECIFIC questions about the parts you do not understand.
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