MATLAB: Expand vector along third dimension


My question is simply, but I cannot figure out how to do it.
Assume I have a vector K=[K_1,..,K_n] then I would like to create a three dimensional matrix M with first dimension equal to x, second dimension equal to y and third dimension equal to n such that M(:,:,1)=K1*ones(x,y), M(:,:,2)=K2 * ones(x,y) etc. I know of course I can loop, but I am expecting a neat one-liner exists.

Best Answer

I have a matrix S which is x times y. Then I would subtract each element of K (what I wanted to use the extra dimension for), take the positive part (i.e. max of the result and 0) and sum out the first dimension x to get a y times n matrix.
result = squeeze( sum( max( bsxfun(@minus,S,K), 0), 1 ) )