MATLAB: Existing Subplot Figure Adjustment

existing figurefigure adjustingMATLABsubplot

I'm in the process of creating roughly 100 figures,
After creation they look like the figure NT_0D as it is easier for me to include the contour values.
However, for saving the figures as Images, I want to be able to adjust the figure such that looks like N1_0D.
As it looks much better, but I dont know how to write the code to adjust existing figure plots that such that I can do so without individually adjusting each figure by hand.
Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

Best Answer

Create new axes to match a template
You could treat N1_0D.fig as a template by opening the figure, clearing all of the axes and filling them with new data.
% Name template figure (the ideal figure)

templateFig = 'N1_0D.fig';
% Open the template figure

templateHand = open(templateFig);
% Get all axis handles

axHand = findall(templateHand, 'Type', 'axes');
% Clear all axes
% plot your new data; the axes order will always be the same
% "right" titled plot
contourf(axHand(1), . . .)
% "front" titled plot
contourf(axHand(2), . . .)
% "left" titled plot
contourf(axHand(3), . . .)
% "back" titled plot
contourf(axHand(4), . . .)
Alter existing axes to match a template
% Name template figure (the ideal figure)
templateFig = 'N1_0D.fig';
% Open the template figure
templateHand = open(templateFig);
% Get all axis handles
axHand = findall(templateHand, 'Type', 'axes');
% Get all colorbar handles
cbHand = findall(templateHand, 'Type', 'ColorBar');
% get axis positions
axPos = get(axHand,'Position');
% Get colorbar positions
cbPos = get(cbHand,'Position');
% Open the target figure
targetFig = 'NT_0D.fig';
targetHand = open(targetFig);
% Set the figure to match the template figure size (optional)
targetHand.Position = templateHand.Position;
% Get all axis handles
targAxHand = findall(targetHand, 'Type', 'axes');
% Get all colorpar handles
targcbHand = findall(targetHand, 'Type', 'ColorBar');
% Assuming the axes are in the same order*,
set(targAxHand, {'Position'}, axPos)
% Assuming the colorbars are in the same order*,
set(targcbHand, {'Position'}, cbPos)
% * If the axes are not in the same order you'll need to use the
% axis titles to match the correct axes. To get a list of axis
% titles: arrayfun(@(h)h.Title.String,axHand,'UniformOutput',false)
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