MATLAB: Exist function check file


I am trying to use
checkfile = exist(inputdlg('Enter the name of the file you wish to analyze input with document type','File name',1),'file');
but it doesn't work
I also tried
filename = (inputdlg('Enter the name of the file you wish to analyze input with document type','File name',1);
exist = (filename,'file')
and that doesn't work either

Best Answer

The inputdlg help states clearly that the function's "returned variable answer is a cell array", and the exist help clearly states that its input must be a "character vector". So you need to get your character vector out of the cell array and provide it to exist, for example:
>> C = inputdlg('filename:');
>> exist(C{1},'file')==2
ans =
or even better would be to use the uigetfile dialog box:
>> [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.m')
FileName =
PathName =