MATLAB: Execute code if m-file runs into error

errorexitMATLABmfilescripting error

I have tried finding the answer to this problem, but only got 'old' results which did not pose a solution. Maybe by now there is one.
I am controlling a combustion process using an m-file, which occasionally runs into errors (mostly scripting errors and typos). Having an error while the combustion is unstable, for example, is quite dangerous, so I want Matlab to execute a few lines of code whenever the m-file runs into an error. This is just simply closing the gas valve and turning the fan on.
Is there any solution for this? The problem is that most errors are scripting errors, which don't just give an error but also stop the mfile running…

Best Answer

use try and catch at all suspect instances. This will solve your case.
But when you call a blob a script, it should not have scripting errors or typos;)