MATLAB: Example (‘predmain​t/RollingE​lementBear​ingFaultDi​agnosisExa​mple’)

bearing failure exampleSignal Processing Toolbox

I tried to go through this example but there is no data to load in.
That is the error i get
Error using load
Unable to read file 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\toolbox\predmaint\predmaintdemos\bearingFaultDiagnosis\train_data\InnerRaceFault_vload_1.mat'. No such file or directory.
Your help is much appreciated

Best Answer

From the documentation on Rolling Element Bearing Fault Diagnosis:
‘For the full dataset, go to this link to download the entire repository as a zip file and save it in the same directory as the live script. Unzip the file using this command:’
It’s in the section on Batch Process. I didn’t examine the GitHub page to see exactly where the file is. I assume it’s in there somewhere.
I do not have the Predictive Maintenance Toolbox, so I cannot help you further with its functions.
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