MATLAB: Evaluating the CDFPlot at a specific point

cdf plotevaluation of an expression at a specific point

Dear all, I have a set of Power values stored in an array which I've then plotted as a CDF via the CDFPlot function. I got a nice curve but now I want to calculate F(x) which means knowing the value of the CDF at a specific point. I surfed the community but found no topic about my current issue but – maybe – using some interpolating functions to retrieve its value for a specific power level. Is it possible ? It sound strange to me since I've plotted the graph. Any help or clarification would be appreciated ! Regards to all

Best Answer

Dear all,
thanks for the feedbacks and sorry for my late reply.
Actually I came to a good solution on my own. As a matter of fact, I've realized that it is possible to retrieve the requested info in the following manner:
Xvalues=Plot.XData % values along X
Yvalues=Plot.YData % values along Y
In my case, this solution works like a charm. Please let me know whether I am taking the wrong assumptions. I hope my findings will be helpful to others. Cheers from Italy !