MATLAB: Evaluate a Hankel integral

bessel functionbessel function integral hankel functionhankel functionspherical electromagnetic fieldvpaintegral

Hey folks,
I've been working on Hankel Function for a spherical electromagnetic field. However, I got a problem in solving a Hankel Function integral. See my code down below:
k = 2;
nu = 0;
syms x
f=@(x) (besselh(nu,k,x))*(e^(ix));
Then, I got the following error: "Undefined function 'besselh' for input arguments of type 'sym'."
I appreciate any idea you might have.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Try this
k = 2;
nu = 0;
f=@(x) (besselh(nu,k,x)).*(exp(1i*x));
result = integral(f, 0, pi/2)
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