MATLAB: EVALIN cannot execute a return


I am trying to create a function that aborts whatever mfile is currently executing after issuing a warning. I see no way of avoiding EVALIN for this and so implemented the following,
function abort_and_warn
warning 'Aborting'
evalin('caller', 'return');
However, a simple test of this code in R2020a,
function test
disp 'do this'
disp 'do that'
fails to block the execution of the final line:
>> test
do this
Warning: Aborting
> In test>abort_and_warn (line 12)
In test (line 5)
do that
Is this an undocumented limitation of EVALIN? I see nothing here to imply that EVALIN should be unable to issue the return command in the caller wokspace.

Best Answer

Yes it is written in the doc.
From EVALIN/EVAL document page
expression Expression to evaluate
character vector | string scalar
Expression to evaluate, specified as a character vector or string scalar. expression must be a valid MATLAB expression and must not include any MATLAB keywords."
>> iskeyword('return')
ans =