MATLAB: Euclidian Norm and Brightness between 2 images

image analysisimage processing

I really appreciate your help and I would be soo grateful if you help me with this?, I have two questions…
How to calculate these two equations if I have two images(RGB)as an input,
1- Euclidian Norm between 2 images, the equation is shown below:
[this measure is used to find the set of the closest palette color in Euclidian norm]
d= sqrt ( (R1-R2)^2 + (G1-G2)^2 + (B1-B2)^2 );
2- Brightness between 2 images, the equation is shown below:
[Brightness information, which measures the brightness of the cover image and the Stego image and compute the difference between the brightness of the cover image and the brightness of the Stego image, this is done by measuring the length of the RGB vector for both cover and Stego images. The calculation is done according to the following
L= sqrt (R^2 + G^2 + B^) ;

Best Answer

Perfect, Thank you so much...