MATLAB: Euclidean distance of two vectors

image processing

Euclidean distance of two vector. I have the two image values G=[1×72] and G1 = [1×72]. I need to calculate the two image distance value.

Best Answer

Do you know the definition of the Euclidean distance?
G = rand(1, 72);
G2 = rand(1, 72);
D = sqrt(sum((G - G2) .^ 2));
A more efficient method, but this matters only for much larger vectors:
V = G - G2;
D = sqrt(V * V');
Or a Matlab command:
D = norm(G - G2);
D = DNorm2(G - G2);
Searching in the documentation is faster than waiting for an answer in the forum. Therefore it is recommended to let Matlab search for the wanted keyword at first:
docsearch euclidean
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