MATLAB: EstimateGe​ometricTra​nsform2D error in facial tracker and recognition

face trackerfacial recognitionMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

I'm getting into MatLab and I want to investigate further into facial recognition, tracker, how they work.
I've found one excellent tutorial here :
Everything is going excellent but there's one error thats confusing me and that part of code prohibits me to watch it live.
Here's the error code :
"Unrecognized function or variable 'estimateGeometricTransform2D'.
Error in turetuveiktblyn (line 79)
[xform, inlierIdx] = estimateGeometricTransform2D(oldInliers, visiblePoints, 'similarity',
'MaxDistance', 4);"
What might be the issue? Code is orginal

Best Answer

Finaly, I got the answer of this mystry. if you point on the word 'estimateGeometricTransform2D' and press F1 to call the matlab help documentation it will show this screen:
so, when click the link:
Thus, you can see that this command estimateGeometricTransform2D is not in the matlab libriary and the substitue one is this command:
Hope this solve your issue.