MATLAB: Errors disappear when I reboot Matlab

error disappearreboot

Some erros disappear when I reboot Matlab, for example: "Too many input arguments." or "no appropriate method, property, or field" for class
I'm working with classes. For example class A call to class B, and there's an error in class B. I fixed the error in class B, save B, and run again de class A (class A call class B) but STILL THERE'S THE ERROR in class B. Then I have to reboot Matlab to reload the changes in B.
I can't run class B because needs input arguments, that's why I use class A to call B.
I try with "clear all; close all;" but the errors persist until I reboot Matlab.
What can I do?

Best Answer

try a
clear classes
after you modified your class.
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