MATLAB: Errors after removal of appdata folder

appdataappdesignerDatabase ToolboxMATLABpreferenceswindows

I accidentaly removed the Appdatafolder on Windows10. After this Matlab behaves nicely said strange.
I am actually writing on a GUI in AppDesigner and Matlab throws Errors. For example the unique() function isn't working properly and other random stuff. (It worked and there were definitely no changes made in the code). I removed just the Appdatafolder.
Can anyone give me some advice how to handle this problem? Or better reconfigure the AppDatafolder. I really won't rewrite all the code because the errors are mainly with some table and cell problems.
Thanks alot!

Best Answer

The question is very vague. "unique() function isn't working properly" doies not contain any detail which would allow to understand, what's going on. "other random stuff" is not clear also.
"I removed just the Appdatafolder" - then please mention, what you call "the Appdatafolder". But actually it does not matter, which folder you mean actually, because the solution will the same in all cases: Restore this folder from your backup. Are you working under Windows? Then the "recent version" will contain the deleted folder.
"I really won't rewrite all the code because the errors are mainly with some table and cell problems." - Why do you think, that any code has to be rewritten? What are "table and cell problems"? What is the relation to the deleted folder?
I'm not sure, if this is a comment or an answer. At least the suggestion to restore the data from the backup is the only way to go. But actually the question is too vague to be answered and maybe this question should be closed until useful details are mentioned.
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