MATLAB: Error with import data in txt format while generating function

generate functionimport datatxt

Hey everybody,
I have a data in txt format includes numbers. I apply following steps, because I don't want to import data each time and I want to use this function in my script:
Home>Import Data>Import Selection>Generate Function
then, Matlab auto-generates me the function.
function Untitled1 = importfile('1.txt');
%IMPORTFILE Import numeric data from a text file as a matrix.
% UNTITLED1 = IMPORTFILE(FILENAME) Reads data from text file FILENAME for
% the default selection.

% STARTROW through ENDROW of text file FILENAME.
% Example:
% Untitled1 = importfile('1.txt', 1, 200001)
% See also TEXTSCAN.
% Auto-generated by MATLAB on 2017/11/17 10:47:41
But it gives me that error:
>> importfile Error: File: importfile.m Line: 1 Column: 33 Unexpected MATLAB expression.
Coloumn:33 is after first paranthesis and before ' sign.
What is the problem?

Best Answer

The problem is that the input argument name should not be a string. Either call the function with that as the input argument, or hard-code this filename.
%replace this:
function Untitled1 = importfile('1.txt')
%with either this:
function Untitled1 = importfile(filename)
%or this:
function Untitled1 = importfile