MATLAB: Error while writing binaries to SD Card: No matching files were found

xilinxzynq sdr image write error

I am trying to install the ZC706/AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ firmware on an SDR card per step 4 of the Manual Host-Radio Hardware Setup Mathworks documentation page. I am using Matlab R2017A on Windows 10. When I click the "write" button on the Support Package Installer window. I get the following message in an Error Write firmware pop-up window:
Error while writing binaries to SD Card: No matching files were found.
There was an answer by "Fisherman" (see tags below) suggesting manually unzipping the files in C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2016b_*\3P.instrset\zynqlinuxbinaries.instrset. I don't have the subdirectory zynqlinuxbinaries.instrset, only a subdirectory mingw492.instrset. How do I locate and install the required files?

Best Answer

I was able to resolve this issue by manually downloading and installing the Add-on "Communications System Toolbox Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio". Apparently, automatic installation from using the Add-on Manager (R2017a) did not install all of the required files.